
Go at your own pace, either choosing to do the 12-week express option or over 12-months.
Every day, your mind races with thousands of thoughts, weaving a complex mess of habits, patterns, and stories. Unraveling this mess by Paying Attention is the key to a peaceful life.
But pay attention to what?
Start by questioning the thoughts you're believing. Why do you believe them? Are they moving you toward your dreams or holding you back? Pay attention to any anxiety or anguish influencing your decisions. Are you making choices with clarity and objectivity, or are you on autopilot, driven by fear and inaccurate stories?
I've followed this path to achieve clarity, peace, and well-being—and I've helped many others do the same. So, when anxiety and fear arise, I urge you to observe your thoughts, emotions, and patterns with your eyes wide open. Untangle the confusion and with your 'self' in the driver's seat, create the life you truly want.

Pay Attention with P.E.R.L.O.V.E.
What is P.E.R.L.O.V.E.?
Forged in ancient teachings and from modern gurus, the mindfulness practices of P.E.R.L.O.V.E. give a nod to Buddhism, secular spirituality, psychology, and neuroscience. This transformational and straightforward set of instructions starts with the cerebral practices of P.E.R. (Pledge, Evaluate & Recognize) where you're introduced to your own T.E.F. (Thoughts, Emotions & Feelings). And concludes with L.O.V.E. (Locate, Open, Vest & Expand), the more spiritual part of the formula, where we explore the space between your thoughts, emotions, habits, and default to fine your ture nature, freedom, and power.